I did a pretty good imitation of a rabbit for this Bassett. How they manage to track anything when they're so slow is beyond me.
Quito's little sister now has a name, it's Tikaana or Tika for short. It means wolf in Inuit. Great name, wouldn't you say? Of course, Ma kept asking what cotton ball is in Inuit. Like I said, she can be an imbecile.
Aren't we a good looking bunch? We have a lot of admirers on the beach.
I'm the only one with brown eyes - all the rest have green or blue eyes.
It's always over too soon.
Since Lukipooh peed on me, I got a good scrubbing in the parking lot. Oh, Grandma, what big nose you have!
This reminded Ma of the Navajo sand paintings. Like this sculpture which will be gone by tomorrow, the paintings are all destroyed in the end so the stuff you see in stores is not genuine.
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