
Sunday, May 23, 2010

New discoveries in Sutro Hts Park

Thursday, I was a good boy, so I got to go to Sutro Hts Park in the evening. On the way in, I noticed something truly alarming - a large lady with a bow and arrow and a deer! And, she was making a strange noise!!

I barked furiously! Then, I realized the noises were trees squeaking in the wind. Whew, but how embarrassing. I hope no one was looking.
There are some ruins in this park - it's where the former mayor of SF, Adolph Sutro, used to live.
My Pa keeps hoping I'll start using these for my business more often.
As we were about to leave, who should come but my friend Billie.
And, we even got to see Dulce off leash. For some reason, all the women go ga ga over him. Hrrrumph! But, he's a sweetie. The only problem is, he's like a rock. I've tripped over him many times.
Well, I hear we will be having a party here on Friday, next. I can't wait! All my friends will be there.

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